How to Prevent WannaCry Ransomware Attack in 2 minutes

How to Prevent WannaCry Ransomware Attack less than 2 minutes: – An active virus attacking computers and asking for a ransom to decrypt the computer from the lock. Yeah !!! It’s true. The Name of the virus is “WannaCry.” As the name itself describes. It makes the User cry by encrypting all the files on the computer and asking money to unlock it that too in bitcoins through online transactions. Whether it may be 5$ or 1000$.

The Deadliest Virus WannaCry has already infected 200,000+ computers. The one who want to aware of this ransomware attack. Follow the guide. To prevent wannacry ransomware attack on Your PC. I am here with Something that you can do it yourself to protect from “WannaCry.”

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prevent wannacry ransomware
How to protect PC from Wannacry Ransomware

How Does WannaCry Works?

WannaCry Works like a standard Malware thread which infects your PC. The viruses are made up of scripts. But, WannaCry is made of the Advanced script where users cannot decrypt their Computer unless they unlock through the Password. If the Password mistyped wrongly by the user. The Affected Victim cannot see the files back again on his computer. If WannaCry Attacks, It shows the Pop-Up Alert message and encrypt every administrator Function and asks money to pay within the limited period. If the Victim failed to pay the money. Wannacry deletes each and every file.

Don’t Pay Ransom To This Ransomware: –

Yes, If Ransomware Attacks your PC. Don’t Pay the hackers for getting the decrypted file. Sometimes, The hackers may also fail to send you the password or anything happens to your System. So, don’t waste money on such silly Ransomwares.

You have to pay money on bitcoins (Virtual Currency). But, After paying few $$$, I am not sure that they will think you as Victim, and there is no guarantee on getting your System or files back to the normal level.

Protect Your Computer by downloading Microsoft Patch (Wannadecryptor): –

Microsoft knows, How to Protect themselves and how to save Windows users by sending some updates. I suggest you Installing Microsoft fix—MS17-010 Patch on your PC to get rid of this issue Instantly. This Patch file developed by Microsoft In order to aware of Ransomeware attacks and the process is still going on.

After Updating the Patch file on your computer. Make sure that you have rebooted your PC properly. Otherwise, The update will not work. To Update Patch file directly from the System Updates. Go to Settings >> Update and Security >> Search for Latest Update. The latest patches are rolling out by the developers. It can help Windows users from future Virus attacks.

How To Protect Your PC And Prevent Wannacry Ransomware Attack: – (Get rid of this Virus)

Ransomware Virus can Interpret your computer in any direction. You cannot Stop it. But, you can Prevent it. To Protect Yourself Completely. Read the remaining article.Mostly, The Users will get targeted from Emails and Text SMS. If you download any unknown attachment or file from the Mail or Internet. WannaCry Makes you cry by entering your PC peacefully and Spreads the virus.

Ransomware is not the new Virus. It was created by Russian a few years ago. Their only strategy is to earn money from the Organizations and Internet Users. Every day, The victims are targeted by the Ransomwares. There is no end until the developers of Microsoft or Apple find some new script to ignore it automatically.

Download WannaCry Password File To decrypt the Computer: –

If WannaCry Attacks Your Computer. Then, Download WannaCry Password File: – Download

Take Complete BackUp of Your PC To Protect from WannaCry Ransomware Attack: –

Backup Everything of your System in Hard disk or Pendrive. Make sure that You have safely backed up Important Documents, Photos, Files and Softwares in any External Storage. Because WannaCry is not only the deadliest one. In Future, You can be infected by any other and meet new Ransomware Virus. Don’t worry, If you don’t have any External storage to backup. Use Cloud Storage apps The Best Free Cloud Storage Apps for Android of 2017

Use Anti-Virus on Your PC To Prevent such Ransomwares like WannaCrypt: –

Don’t you have Anti-Virus seriously? OMG.!! Get it from Online. There are more Anti-Virus companies which are offering free services like E-set Smart security. We do have Windows Defender Pre-Installed on Our Computer. Search for Windows Defender and Enable it. Anti-Virus helps System by providing the complete shield from Malware and Phishing Attacks.

But, These anti-viruses will not Protect entire Computer. But, They will help at the right time. If you have Enough bucks, don’t be lazy to buy. Go and Get it right now from Online.

What are the Steps You Should take when WannaCry Ransomware attacks Your PC?

  1. Enter the Password from the given file. Download it and decrypt your Computer.
  2. No Cyber Security Helpdesk can help you. You should lose your hope on getting files back.
  3. If you have the complete backup of your data. Install Fresh Windows and erase everything. Because cache files may contain malware.

Conclusion: –

That’s all for this Guide. I Hope you enjoyed by reading this article. Download the Password file and Prevent Wannacry Ransomware Attack. I have to remind you one thing before ending this guide. Make sure that you have updated your computer, Anti-Virus on time. This will help you by preventing future ransomwares. Please do share and like. Comment if you have any queries

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Vijaygopal Balasa

Vijaygopal Balasa is a blogger with a passion for writing about a variety of topics and Founder/CEO of Androidstrike. In addition to blogging, he is also a Full-stack blockchain engineer by profession and a tech enthusiast. He has a strong interest in new technologies and is always looking for ways to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.

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