Best Useful Android Shortcuts: – Hello Friends, I am back with another new article. Today we are going to discuss the best Android Shortcuts. Android is the most widely used user-friendly operating system among other Mobile OS. Though, it gives us more freedom to customize our Phone as we need. Still, There are more features hidden on your Android phone that you probably don’t know about it. Here, I am delivering the best amazing Android shortcuts which will help you in doing hard tasks efficiently.
Top 6 Best Useful Android Shortcuts: –
To capture limited shot or moment with your Phone camera. You have to take your phone out of the pocket, Unlock it and Search for the camera and Turn on the Camera App (Too many Procedures). It takes more time. You thought to Capture one Picture, and accidentally you took another picture and the moment you want to grab on your phone is missed.
Why do all these happen? Because you have taken Picture too late
To ignore those irritating things. You should Probably go with this Shortcut. Which helps you taking Pictures at the right time If your smartphone is running on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) or above version, You can Turn Camera ON by tapping or Pressing Twice on Power Button Even your phone is locked from the Home Screen. This feature is available on devices like Samsung. Check out: –
See: – Best Camera Apps For Android
(Motorola Phones have their Custom gesture. So, You can instantly Turn ON camera by twisting the smartphone twice) Go through this little trick and Capture awful moments in your life.
#2. Search Any Apps Quickly: –
Most of the New Android users will get hesitated through searching apps at the time. If you want to share the movie with your friend Immediately through ShareIt App, Consider, You have installed more than 50 Apps on your Android Phone. You will start scrolling the menu (or) Home screen to search the App ShareIt among 50 Installed Apk’s.
To Make it quickly. Google Introduced the New App Launcher called Google Now Launcher. Where the launcher has been used as the default launcher for Nexus as well as pixel devices, After Installing the launcher, Make sure that you have selected it as Default Home screen. Open Menu and the keyboard will launch automatically and start Searching Apps from App Drawer Icon “Search For Apps.” (2 to 3 Alphabets of App Name)
Check Out: – Best Launcher For Android of 2018
#3. Control Phone Through Voice (To Get Faster Results): –
The technology was growing day by day. Everyday, We are getting new inventions, Gadgets around the world. Also, Google company is also developing quicker and moving the new things to people through Android with its latest updates.
Nowadays, We people are going too lazy to do such easy things (Not everyone). We are ignoring our work and taking rests at home due to laziness. To satisfy the user, Google Voice Actions Feature was Introduced to control the phone with Voice. I know most of them heard about this Feature from Tv ads and Youtube Skip Ads.
Yes, Google Now does all insane things. It is capable of receiving the commands given by you and gives you faster results both online and Offline. Just You have to Say the Keyword “Ok Google.” It is another Virtual Assistant or AI(Artificial Intelligence) developed by Google.Inc.
To give commands anywhere (I mean from any Screen) by saying the keyword “OK Google.” You have to Setup “Ok Google Detection” From Settings. Hold the Homescreen and head on to Settings. Choose Voice >> Select Ok Google Detection >> Tap On “From Any Screen“. You have to retain your voice model by saying the Keyword “Ok Google” Three times, and you are ready for all your actions.
Recently, Google released their New AI called Google Voice Assistant. It Works same as like Apple’s Siri and Windows Cortana. Read: – How To Get Google Assistant on Any Android Device
Also Read: – Siri For Android: Best Personal Assistants For Your Smartphone
#4. Call Someone With One Tap: -(Contact Widget)
Finally, You are going to use this shortcut. I have no guarantee that you look at the above shortcuts. But, I am sure you will use this Shortcut on your phone. If you are getting married or committed to someone else or You want to call your best friend. Then, This type of shortcut will be useful. You can create one widget of the Particular Contact on the Home screen and Just Tap once on the Widget to call them.
To Create Contact Widget, Long press on Homescreen and Then Select Widgets >> Scroll down until you find Contacts Section. Then, Drag and Drop the Widget and Choose your contact number from the contact list. (Direct dial 1×1, Direct Text 1×1). You can also send them a text with Just One Tap.
#5. Refresh Web Page On Chrome Easily: –
Few websites will not have proper load time, and it takes such a long time to load a web page through the browser (Google Chrome). Sometimes, images will also be stuck, and you may not be able to read the content published on the site. If you try to refresh the Web Page, You have to tap on the three-dot icon at the top right, and Then, You have to choose Refresh button to update the web page.
So, To make it simple and more accessible. Just Pull the page from the top (I mean to tug the Page), and your page will be refreshed and tries to load even better.
#6. Recover your Notifications With Notification Log Widget: –
This incident might have happened to everyone while clearing notifications from the Drop-down menu. When you Awake in the morning, You will see a lot of Useful as well as useless notifications floating on the Lock Screen. You will unlock your phone to clear all the notifications. Some notifications will be more helpful, and you can’t recover it back.
There is a Featured Widget Know “Notification Log.” Where you can see the log of Notifications, you have received. To Get the Widget, Long press on Home screen >> Go to Widgets >> Search for Notifications Log widget. Drag & Drop it on your home screen. Whenever you clear the notifications, You will not be tensed.
Also Read: – Download Odin tool for Windows 10
Conclusion: –
I hope you have learned some hidden useful Android shortcuts. Try it on your smartphone as well. If I have missed any Useful Shortcut. Please notify me of your comments in the section below. Keep sharing with your friends and relatives. Let they know
It is very useful shortcuts , thanks for sharing it